Like many of us, I live away from my mom, and a regular routine interaction we have over calls is when she needs my help with learning how to use a new app or feature on her phone. As routine as this experience might be, it can get highly challenging. She struggles to keep up, feeling vulnerable and small. And I often repeat instructions till I grow weary and frustrated (not my proudest moments). This experience isn’t unique to me and my mom.
Final designs and solutions.
While 61% of adults aged 65 and older own smartphones, and 75% use the internet, attitudes of frustration and confusion with using technology persist among this population.
Many seniors express low confidence using digital technology, with only 26% feeling very confident with electronic devices.
Older adults report often requiring assistance to set up or learn to use new devices, indicating a lack of digital readiness.
Once I identified the problem I wanted to reach out to people to hear their challenges, struggles and frustrations in their own words.
Instructors are those who help others with using technology. For this type of user I used a survey given the assumption that they can comfortably fill out an online survey. Moreover, surveys were a sufficient method to collect required data from instructors.
Learners are those who need help using technology. This is our primary user whose pain points and challenges I wanted to understand in detail. And therefore, I conducted in-depth, semi-structured user interviews with learners.
Users expressed frustration to discover and use this access point to initiate Syncscape through the Control Center and claimed it was unintuitive and concealed.
Users indicated that the 'Live Activities' provides higher discoverability making it easier to locate and access Syncscape during a call.
To change the 'Live Activities' modes, from compact to expanded to full screen, users must perform novel touch or drag interactions which proved to be challenging.
Picture-in-Picture (PiP)is a familiar interface element for our target users, making it highly usable and a perfect way for them to revisit lessons feeling confident and empowered.
Holistic Design Choices